Est. 2012
About Us

Kate, Dippy Doodahs
Hi to my lovely friends, those I have already met and those I've yet to meet. My name is Kate and I love my little shop, the customers and the atmosphere. I sell a range of beverages and homemade cakes, as well as handmade gifts and cards. I have two beautiful children, three grandchildren and a wonderful husband. Come and join me in my crazy dippy world.
Dippy doodahs is a vintage/retro style tearoom, gift shop, and a place where people can come and try their hands at different crafts, in the heart of an old market town, Hailsham in East Sussex. Kate's love of homemade cooking, handmade gifts and love of vintage style is the inspitation for the shop. So come and relax with friends, family and colleagues in a relaxing, comfortable, friendly atmosphere and eat cake!
We run a variety of courses for both adults and children allowing you to try something new and unique. We also hire our premises with catering and staff for meetings, small parties and other events to meet your specification.
Dippy doodahs is also part of the Safe Place Scheme.
The Safe Place scheme helps people with learning disabilities deal with things that happen to them while they are out and about, such as harassment, bullying or if the person they are meeting doesn't turn up. It's a partnership between East Sussex Trading Standards, Adult Social Care and Sussex Police. It's launched in Hailsham, but hopes to extend to the rest of the county.
If a person needs help and goes somewhere showing a Safe Place sticker, the staff from the Safe Place will either call the contact number on the 'I need help' card or Sussex Police if it is an emergency.